The Groovy 1960s- Where It All Began
Let's hop into our time machine and cruise back to the '60s. This is where the epic tale of haptics, human-machine interfaces, tactile sensors, and flexible electronics kicks off. Picture a decade of innovation and experimentation that set the stage for the future.
Ivan Sutherland's Vision of Interaction
Meet Ivan Sutherland, the visionary who had some remarkable dreams about humans and machines converging in the future. In the'60s, he introduced the "Sword of Damocles," the original head-mounted display. The granddad of modern VR and AR. Sutherland's vision was like a sneak peek into a digital wonderland where touchy sensations were yet to join the party.
E.A. Johnson'sTactile Adventure
Meanwhile, E.A. Johnson was on his own adventure. Think of him as the Asimov of touch and technology. In the same era, he started delving into bringing the sense of touch to the digital realm. His force-feedback joystick allowed users to experience resistance and touch in virtual worlds. Johnson's work planted the seeds for tactile sensors, all as part of a visionary quest for tech that just introduces humans to virtual worlds.

Image Source: DSource